

Please pray for your friends and invite them along. If cost is an issue don’t make it one just let us know!

Only a couple of weeks left. Must get tickets please chat to your leader if you need more info or check this page out: Rice Rally

Tickets will cost $32

Information about travel and for permission details please fill the form – front and back and sign. Payments can be made electronically but please note on the form that payment has been made.

Info for payments:

Account: EFCA Inc.

BSB: 032091

Account: 351813

Please include name of youth attending and RICE2017 in description: For e.g. Steve Ryman RICE2017



Running from the God of grace!


We will spending the next 4 weeks in the book of Jonah.. Be captivated by an amazing story of God’s love, grace and compassion for the world!

Jonah runs from the God of grace and compassion, so that he wouldn’t have to fulfil a call given by God to preach to the city of Nineveh. He thought that he could get far away but thats not true, God’s plan will happen regardless of Jonah’s shortfalls and in the end the great city of Nineveh  repented and turned for their evil ways to worship God. Do you run from what God calls you to do? that is to follow Jesus wherever that may be – telling people about Jesus and living his way.