Parents & Caregivers

Welcome Parents & Caregivers to our Youth website.

SWITCH - shine Logo

Is our main Christian youth group meeting on Sunday mornings at 9am. So a big part of our youth ministry is listening in to Jesus in the Scriptures and putting that into practice in youth group, church and life. We also want to encourage your son or daughter in her Christian faith and walk. But we want to do that in partnership with you, as much as possible.

We also considering starting up a smaller group on Friday nights each week called Ignite. More info coming soon.

We will also be having a parents arvo tea (the next one in 2017) at East Lindfield Church. The next one is on Sunday 19/2/2017. We look forward to meeting you.

To help with transitioning our yr 6’s we will also love to meet new youth and their parents or caregivers as well!

If there are other ways we can support you as a parent or caregiver, please let us know.

Looking forward to meeting you in person. We also have a SWITCH parents email address. Drop me an email at [email protected] and I will add you to the list.

For more details about our ministry and forms for download please click the link:

download forms