Compassion child- Jomark

For the past 5 years at SWITCH we have been sponsoring a child through Compassion (Jomark) in the Philippines. Every now and then, Jomark sends us a letter, here’s the latest one we’ve recieved:


Dec 2012


Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year! How’s everyone? Hope you are all having fun and enjoying. I’m just excited to write and tell you about me. But first of all, I thank God for HisĀ guidanceĀ and now I’m doing well in school but most importantly we are united family now.

In the Student Centre, we also learnt and studied the lessons about ‘God’s design for the family.’ It is important that a family is happy, loving and with respect to one another. I’m glad to know from the lesson that we can have victory whatever problem a family may go through if every member is supportive and part of solving the problem.

How many are in your group? Are you all in the same school? Any plans for you over Christmas?

May God’s blessings fill your homes and families. Please pray that I will always be guided in my understanding and be more caring to others.

Thank you for being good to me. God bless, Jomark.


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